A Review of the Metaverse in Nursing Education: A SCORE Model Evaluation

Nurul Hidayu Ibrahim, Helmi Norman, M. Khalid M. Nasir


This review identifies the metaverse’s key strengths which collectively enhance students’ clinical preparedness and critical thinking skills. This paper also reviews opportunities for strategic partnerships with AR/VR providers and the potential for multi-institutional collaborations to pool resources. Stakeholder responses indicate that nursing students respond positively to the metaverse’s engaging and realistic learning environment, while faculty exhibit mixed reactions due to concerns about training requirements and cognitive overload. The findings reveal that metaverse-based learning improves clinical competence, knowledge retention and procedural accuracy, supporting students’ transition from theoretical knowledge to real-world application. This review underscores the significance of the SCORE model as a strategic planning tool for educators, administrators and policymakers seeking to integrate the metaverse into nursing curricula. The findings provide actionable guidance on how to leverage the metaverse to support personalised, experiential learning. This review offers a pathway for continuous improvement, enabling institutions to address key barriers while enhancing the effectiveness and sustainability of metaverse-based nursing education. 



metaverse; nursing education; SCORE Model; innovation

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