Teacher Credentials, Students’ Efforts and Aspirations as Determinants of Learning Achievement in Mathematics and Science

Clement Adamba


This study examined the relationship between teacher credentials, student efforts, aspirations, perceptions, and learning achievements in mathematics and science. Using cross-sectional data from 4,081 students and 1,000 teachers across 150 schools in 92 districts in Ghana, the ordinary least squares method was applied. The findings highlighted several key factors influencing student achievement. Teacher experience was found to have a significant impact on student performance, highlighting the importance of retaining experienced educators. Teacher qualifications and subject-fitness also showed modest effects, with professional development training enhancing the impact of teacher qualifications. This indicates that professional development training not only improves teaching skills but also complements teachers' educational backgrounds. On the student side, the study emphasized the critical role of effort, aspirations, and positive attitudes toward learning in determining achievement. These findings stressed the need to foster a motivating environment in which students set high aspirations, commit to personal study, and maintain a positive outlook toward their subjects. Based on these results, the study recommended that the National Teaching Council and the Ghana Education Service design targeted professional development programs tailored to teachers' qualifications and needs. This approach would enhance the effectiveness of professional development training and ensure that teachers are equipped with both content knowledge and pedagogical strategies. Furthermore, the findings provided actionable evidence for policymakers and educators aiming to improve learning outcomes in science and mathematics. By addressing both teacher-related and student-related factors, targeted interventions can better support academic performance and long-term educational success.



teacher credentials; professional development training; subject fit teacher; teaching experience; student performance

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