Factors Influencing Ethnic Minority Students’ Programme Development Capacity: Case Study at Pedagogical Universities in Vietnam
Educational programme development capacity is one of the indispensable competencies of teachers today. This competency should be developed early on for students enrolled in pedagogical universities. In this regard, ethnic minority students need more attention than ethnic majority students. The goal of this study was to look into the various factors that affect the ability of ethnic minority students enrolled in pedagogical universities in Vietnam to develop educational programmes. This was done in order to assist ethnic minority students and their parents, which necessitated pedagogical universities as well as administrators having a scientific foundation in studying and training students to meet the requirements of society. In this study, a quantitative research methodology was employed. Data were collected from a sample of 324 students using a survey (from March 13 to 27, 2023). Cronbach‘s Alpha test (a) and Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) techniques were used to evaluate and build the scales. The reliability and construct validity of the scales were also assessed using Cronbach’s a and EFA respectively. Multiple linear regression was also used to determine the variables that affect students’ ability to design programmes. The findings of the research indicated that there were four groups of factors that affected students’ programme development capacity: individual factors, family factors, school factors and social factors. Among these, family factors were found to exert the greatest influence (Beta coefficient equal to 0.556), while social factors had the smallest impact (Beta coefficient equal to 0.276) on students’ programme development capacity. The research results provide a scientific basis for the development of programmes and policies to support ethnic minority students, enhance their educational capacity and meet the objectives of general education in Vietnam.
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