Teachers and Students Perception of Technology and Sustainable Adoption Framework in the Pedagogical Process: A Systematic Review

Sri Utaminingsih, Nur Fajrie, Nurudeen Babatunde Bamiro, Mohamed Nor Azhari Azman


The adoption of technology remains a persistent challenge, but it is an essential endeavour in the pursuit of fostering inclusivity, equity, and a steadfast commitment to providing high-quality learning opportunities for all. This study conducts a systematic review to explore how teachers and students perceive the role of technology in the classroom. It also investigates the key factors that influence teachers’ perceptions of technology and the barriers they encounter when adopting technology in the pedagogical process. Following the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA) guideline, reputable databases were thoroughly examined, including Google Scholar, Semantic Scholar, Web of Science, and Scopus. The search identified 83 relevant publications spanning the years 2010 to 2023. After a comprehensive evaluation, we identified 41 publications most relevant to the study. The study revealed that both teachers and students view technology as a valuable tool to improve the quality of learning and encourage active participation in the classroom. The findings also uncovered the key factors influencing students’ and teachers’ technology perceptions in education and highlighted the barriers to technology adoption in the pedagogical process. A sustainable framework was provided to ensure the sustainability of technology in the pedagogical process.



Educational technology; pedagogical process; perception of technology; meta-analysis

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