The Effects of Microlearning on EFL Students’ English Speaking: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Pitchada Prasittichok, Phohnthip Naoise Smithsarakarn


Despite advancements in microlearning-based English-speaking education, comprehensive meta-analyses of its effectiveness remain scarce. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of microlearning on English speaking among English as a foreign language (EFL) students through a systematic review and meta-analysis. Following the PRISMA principles, the research was conducted in June 2023 across five phases: problem identification, data collection, screening, evaluation, and extraction. Data were obtained from peer-reviewed journals indexed in databases, including ERIC, Science Direct, Scopus, and Google Scholar. Data analysis was undertaken using the modified Newcastle-Ottawa Scale-Education (NOS-E). Subsequently, the R meta program facilitated a robust meta-analysis, allowing us to comprehensively gauge effect size. A literature review yielded 10 studies (combined sample size = 743) that matched the eligibility guidelines. On the NOS-E, each study scored 4.55 out of 6. The results demonstrate the superiority of microlearning over traditional lectures (total English-speaking scores, SMD = 1.43, 95%CI = 1.27?1.59, p < .05). In the meta-analysis, heterogeneity was revealed (total scores for English speaking, I2 = 66%, p < .01), with no publication bias. Microlearning significantly benefits English language teaching (ELT) and enhances EFL students’ English-speaking skills. However, limitations do exist. By addressing these limitations, educators may refine pedagogical practices for optimal ELT methods for EFL learning.


English as a foreign language (EFL); English speaking; meta-analysis; microlearning; systematic review

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