Using Minority Stress Theory as a Conceptual Lens to Frame the Experiences of Teachers Who Identify as LGBTQ+

Samuel Stones, Jonathan Glazzard


Throughout history teachers who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender or Queer (LGBTQ+) have experienced prejudice, discrimination and restrictions to their agency. Heteronormative cultures have prevailed in schools worldwide, despite advances in legislation and the existence of more liberal attitude towards non-normative gender identities and sexual orientations in recent years. This has resulted in teachers passing off as heterosexual or covering up their personal identities, resulting in internalised homophobia. This paper draws on Meyer’s model of minority stress (Meyer, 2003) to illustrate how minority groups can be affected by overlapping stressors. It examines the limitations of this framework and presents an adapted version which more accurately reflects the factors which shape the experiences of teachers who identify as LGBTQ+.


LGBTQ+; Teachers; Inclusion; Minority Stress; Schools

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