Applying Agile Learning to Teaching English for Specific Purposes

Liudmyla Lazorenko, Oksana Krasnenko


The present paper aims to analyse the Agile learning implementation and describe the eduScrum practices in teaching English for Specific Purposes (ESP) at Information Technology and Cybernetics Faculties of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Ukraine). Based on a mixed-method research design, our research studied Agile learning both qualitatively, and quantitatively through the use of observation, interviews, pre- and post-tests, and the questionnaire. The experimental focus group research proved the efficiency of applying Agile methods in a project-learning environment to teach Information Technology (IT) students. It showed that Agile learning through eduScrum practices encourages communication, knowledge sharing, critical thinking, creativity, enhances student engagement and the development of a mindset aimed at constant improvement. Planning, processing, presentation making, as well as analysis, and assessment practices were outlined in the ESP eduScrum teaching. They facilitated students to acquire and retain the practical experience and become confident lifelong learners in a modern VUCA-world. The criteria-based assessment resulted in drawing students’ attention to the problematic aspects of learning and evaluating their knowledge and skills more reasonably. The proposed eduScrum practices could be applied alternatively into the traditional classroom academic environment due to their productivity.


English for Specific Purposes; Agile learning; eduScrum practices; criteria-based assessment; IT students

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