Students' Perceptions and Challenges in Learning Business English: Understanding Students’ Needs and Job Market Requirements

Wael Alharbi


English for specific purposes (ESP) is intrinsically a student-centered subject. Learners’ perspectives are the fundamental determinants of the learning outcomes of ESP students. Research shows that the distinction between ‘General English’ and ESP is that the latter focuses on understanding the learners’ wants, needs, and necessities. To address this gap in the literature, this paper undertakes an exploratory, mixed-methods study of 120 senior, ESP Saudi Business and Management college students, with the objective of formulating strategies for improving ESP programs to enhance students’ employability. The participants’ perceptions regarding the importance of Business English in preparing them for the job market, along with a self-assessment of their language needs, were gathered via a 16-item close-ended questionnaire, followed by interviews with some students. The results indicate that senior college students are fully aware of their language needs and can make decisions regarding the particular language skills that are needed for their own success in the job market. The results also show that students hold very positive attitudes towards Business English and believe that success in the job market is dependent on proper and adequate Business English provision at college level.


English for Specific Purposes (ESP); Learning Outcomes; Employability; Linguistic Needs for the Job Market; Business English; English as a Second language (ESL)

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