The Vision of Spanish Schools in Post-Pandemic Times
Extraordinary measures were required due to Covid-19, such as confinement and emergency distance education. With health regulations in place, the schools then returned to face-to-face instruction and used the lessons they had learned to improve the teaching standard. The study's intention is to investigate how Spain's schools are evolving post-confinement, with a particular interest in the digitalization of schools, teaching competence and future models of education. Method: The approach was qualitative; the instrument was a semi-structured interview, constructed ad hoc by experts and applied by trained interviewers. The sample consisted of 75 principals or members of management teams from primary and secondary schools in Spain. We carried data coding and analysis out using Atlas.ti software. Results: The confinement led to difficulties in adapting teaching to the online modality. Using the pandemic as a catalyst, schools were able to quickly move to digitalization, expand teacher training in digital technology with varying levels of compliance, and introduce new methodologies such as active learning strategies. Conclusions: Schools in Spain have introduced changes in their technological processes and equipment and slight methodological aspects. Teachers require more training on teaching skills, especially digital skills. Finally, the traditional face-to-face model is valued but is questioned and alternatives are considered.
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