Validating a Model of Change Readiness among Malaysian School Teachers: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach

Banu Ramanan, Mua'azam Bin Mohamad


This study aimed to validate the instrument of change readiness to improve teacher competencies. The tool was divided into four main dimensions, namely, change self-efficacy, discrepancy, personal valence, and organizational valence using verification factor analysis (CFA). The study utilized a cross-sectional design involving 383 primary and secondary school teachers selected through stratified random sampling from eastern coastal states in Malaysia. The instrument for this study used a seven-point Likert scale. The hypothesis was tested with a measurement model using IBM SPSS SEM-AMOS version 25.0. Four items identified as having low factor loadings were dropped. This finding indicates that the final measurement model is compatible with the data obtained. This model meets the requirements of reliability and constructs validity, convergent validity, and discriminant validity. In conclusion, this measurement model could measure the degree of change readiness among school teachers to become a competent teacher. Change is a crucial element in the teaching profession as the education world had to face ongoing changes rapidly. The findings of this study have implications for the importance of teacher readiness to change to become a competent teacher who plays a crucial role in student achievement indirectly.


Measurement model; Readiness change; competency; verification factor analysis; school teachers

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