Autonomy and Creative Thinking Skills of Prospective Elementary School Teacher Students in Learning Mathematics with Science Phenomena assisted by the Learning Management System

Suprih Widodo, Turmudi ., Rizki Rosjanuardi


This research intends to explain the autonomy and creative thinking skills of prospective elementary school student teachers in mathematics with the learning management system (LMS)-assisted science phenomenon. The data collection was done by using test instruments in the form of essay questions to capture the creative thinking skills and a non-test in the form of a questionnaire was used to capture the autonomy skills of prospective elementary school student teachers. The data were analysed through several stages, namely data reduction, data presentation, data conclusions, and data validation using triangulation. The result of the research shows that using the LMS can improve the creative thinking skills of prospective elementary school teachers, while their autonomy skills in experimental classes and control classes indicate no difference. This happens because students were given the same opportunity to explore the material independently. Thus, a way to develop autonomy through mathematics learning needs to be explored.


autonomy; creative thinking skills; learning management system; science phenomenon

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