Developing A Framework Peace Education for Primary School Teachers in Indonesia

Sahril Buchori, Sunaryo Kartadinata, Syamsu Yusuf, Ilfiandra Ilfiandra, Nurfitriany Fakhri, Sofwan Adiputra


Teachers as educators should have a sense of peace within themselves so that a conducive classroom climate can be created. The purpose of this study is to build a framework for peace education in elementary schools. To develop this capacity for peace, the researcher conducted three stages of study: the first, an empirical study; the second, developing a framework; and the third, measuring its effectiveness. This research was conducted in three schools with 12 teachers as participants. The data collection technique used an instrument of teacher peace capacity in the form of a semantic differential scale to determine the level of knowledge, skills and attitudes of teachers' peace capacity. The results show that teachers do not yet have a qualified peace capacity. This framework can be applied to teachers in the form of training. The framework for developing teacher peace capacity has proven to be effective.



framework; teacher peace capacity; peace education

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