Trend of Using ChatGPT in Learning Process and Character Education: A Systematic Literature Review

Mahsun Mahsun, Mudzakkir Ali, Ifada Retno Ekaningrum, Hamidulloh Ibda


Generative pre-trained transformers (ChatGPTs) have become an increasingly interesting topic in education, particularly in student character development. However, the use of ChatGPT in learning and character education faces significant challenges. This systematic literature review article utilized the PRISMA protocol by using current literature from PubMed, IEEE, Xplore, and Scopus from 2017-2023 that presents an analysis of the challenges, opportunities, and solutions related to the use of ChatGPT in the context of character education. The results showed that the challenges include limited context, reliance on baseline data, and lack of direct supervision. However, there were also significant opportunities, such as creativity in designing learning scenarios, scalability in learning from large amounts of data, and the potential use of ChatGPT as a personal assistant for students. Several solutions were proposed to address these challenges, including developing specialized models, implementing filters or supervision mechanisms, and user education. Understanding these challenges, opportunities, and solutions has been essential to harness the full potential of ChatGPT in improving learning and character education.


artificial intelligence; ChatGPT; learning process; character education; ethical implications

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