A Socio-Constructivist Perspective on Problem-Solving Approaches in Mathematics: Perceptions of Future Primary Education Teachers

Daniela Olivares


This study investigates the perceptions of future primary education teachers regarding the implementation of a problem-solving teaching approach from a socio-constructivist perspective. Although previous research has shown the benefits of problem-solving in mathematics education, few studies have yet focused on preservice teachers in primary education, particularly within a socio-constructivist framework. Therefore, this study addresses this gap by exploring the effectiveness and challenges of the Building Thinking Classrooms approach developed by Peter Liljedahl. The study was conducted through a case study design involving 36 first-year preservice teachers enrolled in a mathematics didactics course at a public university in Chile. Qualitative and quantitative data were collected through surveys, field logs, and classroom observations. The data analysis included descriptive statistics and content analysis to understand the students’ perceptions of problem difficulty, engagement, and the overall approach. The findings reveal that the problem-solving approach was positively perceived by the participants, highlighting its role in fostering critical thinking, collaboration, and a deep understanding of mathematical concepts. However, challenges were identified, particularly regarding group work and the autonomy required in solving problems. Furthermore, the study identified areas in which additional support could enhance the effectiveness of problem-solving approaches. This research underlines the importance of integrating problem-solving approaches into teacher education programmes and highlights the need for future research on the long-term impacts and strategies needed to support autonomy and collaborative learning.



initial teacher training; motivation theories; problem-solving; socio-constructivist approach

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