Organizational Justice Influences Foci Commitment of Teachers Via Trust

Shueh-Chin Ting


Past research on justice and trust tends to probe into their direct relationships with overall commitment, but neglects foci of commitment (e.g. organization, supervisor, and colleagues). This study fills this gap and explores three types of justice’s effect (i.e., distributive justice, procedural justice, and interactional justice). This study used teachers in elementary schools as an empirical target, collected data by questionnaire survey, and analyzed data by multiple regression to examine the mediating relationship of justice-trust-commitment. This study clearly shows that there are complex relationships among three types of justice, trust, and foci commitment (commitment to school, commitment to supervisor, and commitment to colleagues). Trust involves fully, partially, or no mediating effects on the relationships between three types of justice and foci commitment.


commitment, foci, justice, teacher, trust.

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