Teaching Remedial Reading: Content Area Teachers’ Difficulties and Needs

Daisy A Rosano, Genevieve R Conjusta, Joni B Gallardo, Leilani F Sindingan


Teachers’ capabilities inside the classroom are impacted by their teaching difficulties and needs. This participatory action research presents both the difficulties and the needs of junior high school content area teachers in teaching remedial reading, with the aim of providing recommendations for systemic changes. A total population of 31 teachers across various subject areas— particularly those teaching English, Filipino, Science, Mathematics, Araling Panlipunan (Social Studies), Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao (Values Education), Technology and Livelihood Education as well as Music, Art, Physical Education and Health (MAPEH)—who teach remedial reading were purposively selected to participate in the study. Teaching experience among the content area teachers varied from one year to nine years. Data were collected through focus group discussions using a validated and pilot-tested researcher-made questionnaire that went through two cycles of thematic analysis. Findings revealed significant difficulties, such as challenges in engaging students with negative emotions towards reading,  limited access to resources and unsupported home context, insufficient pedagogical knowledge of reading instruction, and difficulties in using reading assessments. Content area teachers expressed a strong need for professional development in reading instruction, including strategies for teaching reading components and utilizing assessment data. They also emphasized the need for management support, such as access to reading materials, reduced workloads, smaller class sizes, and the implementation of a comprehensive school-wide reading program. The study highlights the critical need for collaborative efforts between teachers, administrators, and other stakeholders to effectively address the challenges of remedial reading instruction in the junior high school setting.



content area reading, difficulties, needs, reading, remedial reading

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