Evaluating Students’ Personality and Learning Styles in Higher Education: Pedagogical Considerations

Afzaal H Seyal, Nor Zainah Siau, Wida Susanty Hj Suhali


The study investigates the relationship between students’ personality traits and learning styles in an institution of higher learning in Brunei Darussalam. A quantitative survey, based on a random sampling approach was used to conduct the study. Questionnaires from ninety respondents were received and analysed using Chi-square test. Big-Five (OCEAN) personality theory and VARK learning styles were used to study the dominant personality trait and learning style. The results show that openness and agreeableness was the dominant personality trait. In addition, the extraversion personality trait has no relationship with any of the learning styles. On the other hand, a strong correlation exists between both openness to experience and the agreeableness personality trait with kinaesthetic learning style that further suggests that students who are more open and accept discussions are ready to learn when it involves teaching/learning based on a hands-on practical approach and as such learn by doing. Similarly, students with a conscientiousness personality have reading as their dominant learning style. Finally, the relationship between neuroticism and visual learning style are significant. Knowing students’ learning style further helps educators to develop an effective teaching/ learning style as a rewarding one other than focusing on the traditional classroom environment. 



Personality Style; Learning Style; Effective Teaching-Learning; Brunei

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