Utilizing the Expectancy Value Theory to Predict Lecturer Motivation to Apply Culturally Responsive Pedagogies in Universities in Botswana

Norman Rudhumbu, Elize du Plessis


The expectancy value theory (EVT) has been used in many studies to predict the motivation processes of individuals with regard to how they think and act in particular ways. Critical to how individuals think and act are the three elements of the EVT, namely the expectancy cognition (expectancy), instrumentality cognition (instrumentality) and valence. This study therefore seeks to establish whether the EVT could be used to predict and explain the motivation of lecturers to apply culturally responsive pedagogies (CRPs) in the teaching of culturally heterogeneous classes in universities in Botswana. Using a sample of 291 lecturers from three selected universities, the study employed a structured questionnaire for data collection. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used for data purification. Structural equation modelling (SEM) using AMOS version 22 was used for data analysis. The study established that the expectancy (β = .419; p < .001) and instrumentality (β = .315; p < .001) cognitions of lecturers as well as the valence (β = .268; p < .001) had a significant influence on the motivation of lecturers to apply CRPs in the teaching of culturally heterogeneous classes in universities. These results also showed significant relationships between expectancy cognition and valence (β = .316; p < .001) and also between instrumentality cognition and valence (β = .301; p < .001). These results therefore demonstrate that the EVT could be used to predict the motivation of lecturers in universities to apply CRPs in their teaching of culturally diverse university students.



cultural diversity; culturally responsive pedagogies; expectancy cognition; expectancy value theory; instrumentality cognition

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