A Look Back: Assessment of the Learning Outcomes of the Community-Based Research Experiences of the Senior High School Students of a Higher Education Institution in Batangas

Joseph Angelou Ilagan Ng


To increase the impact of student output for the betterment of people’s lives in the community, a higher education institution (HEI) in the Batangas province has established four institutional strategic directions. This includes social innovation, a goal aimed at delivering 21st century education so that students are empowered to respond to wider issues in their respective communities. Guided by designs on community-oriented capstone initiatives for requirements in all student levels, community-based research is deemed instrumental in the planning of concrete products or programs to help people in need. This study aimed to assess the learning outcomes of the community-based research (CBR) experiences among senior high school students of this HEI in their Practical Research II subject. A descriptive method of research was utilized. A framework for community-based participatory research was used as the theoretical framework. Items from the Community-Based Research Course Survey by Lichtenstein, Thorme, Cutforth and Tombari comprise the data gathering instrument. Findings revealed that the students have a positive assessment of their experiences as the extensive influence of CBR is noted among four out of five CBR learning outcomes. Significant relationships were identified between the strand in which the students are enrolled in and their CBR learning outcomes, as well as between the theme of the accomplished paper and the CBR learning outcomes. All these findings were deemed useful in recommending the continued conduct of CBR in the HEI, and in formulating an action plan for the future conduct of CBR in the Practical Research subjects.



community-based research; community service learning; higher education institution; Philippine senior high school

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