Exploring Headteachers, Teachers and Learners’ Perceptions of Instructional Effectiveness of Distance Trained Teachers

Vincent Mensah Minadzi, Ernest Kofi Davis, Bethel Tawiah Ababio


This study examined the perceptions of headteachers, teachers, and learners regarding instructional effectiveness of University of Cape Coast distance trained teachers. The convergent parallel mixed-method design was employed to conduct the study. Research participants comprising 25 headteachers, 667 distance trained teachers, and 138 learners were selected through purposive sampling, stratified random sampling, and simple random sampling techniques respectively. Mean and standard deviations, independent sample t-test, and thematic analysis were employed to analyse the data. The study revealed that headteachers, teachers and learners perceived distance trained teachers as instructionally effective because they demonstrated professional knowledge, professional practice and professional values and attitudes in their instructions. Results also indicated that there was statistically significant difference between male and female teachers with regard to perceived instructional effectiveness. It is recommended that stakeholders such as parents and prospective applicants should consider UCC distance education programme as an alternative to the conventional education.



distance education; headteachers; instructional effectiveness; pre-service teacher

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