Exploring the Facilitation of the Student Learning Process Through Dominant Teaching Techniques

Jehona Rrustemi, Vlora Sylaj


The study aimed to identify the facilitative function of teaching techniques in the student learning process. Within the general aim, the study also had specific objectives that identify certain aspects of the facilitative function of teaching techniques in general and of some teaching techniques in particular. These techniques include directed reading and thinking activity (DRTA), directed reading activity (DRA), mind maps, clustering, posters, two-part diaries, etc. The research participants were teachers of the lower cycle, Grades I–V (N = 412), and Grades III–V students (N = 6). The study was conducted using mixed methods research. The instrument used for the collection of quantitative data from teacher respondents was a questionnaire and for the collection of qualitative data from student participants a semi-structured interview. Quantitative and qualitative data yielded the same results. The quantitative results showed that teaching techniques facilitate students’ learning process by incorporating the visual, aural, reading/writing, and kinesthetic (VARK) model styles of students’ learning preferences. In addition, the qualitative results showed different ways of facilitating the learning process through learning with teaching techniques. 



Keywords: Learning Style/mode, cooperation, reflection, teaching technique.

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