Exploring Moodle Usage in Higher Education in the Post-pandemic Era: An Activity-theoretical Investigation of Systemic Contradictions

Ishaq Salim Al-Naabi


Despite Moodle's initial popularity as a learning management system, recent research has revealed a decline in its usage within higher education during the post-pandemic pedagogical landscape. Drawing upon activity theory as a theoretical framework, this qualitative study aims to explore teachers' perceptions regarding the discontinuation of Moodle use once the pandemic subsided. Data for this investigation was collected through a focus group discussion involving six university teachers. Using a thematic analysis, the findings shed light on several factors contributing to the decline, including ineffective rules and policies that impact teachers, as well as confusing task allocation. Apart from contributing to the existing literature on post-pandemic pedagogy, the study's outcomes indicated the need for well-defined polices addressing roles and responsibilities of people involved in Moodle use and addressing teachers’ workload in higher education. 



activity theory; COVID-19; higher education; Moodle; post-pandemic era; teachers’ perspectives

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