Exploring Language Learning Strategies of TESL Practicum Students Through a Phenomenological Lens for Enhancing Language Competency

Norazah Khamis, Melor Md Yunus, Ahmad Zamri Mansor


Proficiency in English as a second language (TESL) and effective cross-cultural communication skills are paramount for future educators. This study investigates the language proficiency learning strategies and motivations of TESL students in engaging with English communications beyond the classroom. This aspect is frequently underestimated in Malaysian educational contexts. Employing a phenomenological approach, qualitative interviews were conducted with 13 TESL practicum students at a Malaysian public university, selected through purposive sampling to ensure diversity in backgrounds and experiences. The study spanned from August 2021 to August 2023, totalling 2 years. The duration of each interview ranged from 45 minutes to 2 hours. Thematic analysis of interview transcripts using NVivo software unveiled significant themes such as using audio-visual materials, leisure reading, note-taking, self-speaking practice, music listening, teaching and learning, gamification, and football commentary. The implications of these findings extend to TESL students, academic researchers, English teachers, and higher education institutions, suggesting avenues for further research to enrich language proficiency and communication skills among TESL students. Integrating these strategies into language education curricula is essential for fostering effective communication skills among future educators, thereby contributing to the advancement of educational practices in Malaysia and beyond.



English communication skills; higher education; language proficiency; language learning strategies; Teaching English as a Second Language

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