Exploring Collective Teacher Efficacy in an International School in Shanghai

Tania Blatti, Janet Clinton, Lorraine Graham


This exploratory study attempts to determine the presence of collective teacher efficacy (CTE) and provide clarity about the construct in the context of an international school in Shanghai. A mixed-method approached was utilised in this study. The design involved two phases, survey data collection, then further exploration through semi-structured interviews. Results revealed that CTE not only exists among expatriate teachers, but it is also high in this context. Further analysis identified two dimensions are key to the CTE construct, Group Confidence and Task Analysis. Three themes emerged from the semi-structured interviews highlighting the importance of an interconnected community; collaboration; and, the effect of academic pressure. Social interdependency and proximity may positively contribute to CTE. This research addresses a gap in existing literature relating to CTE and further investigates this notion among expatriate teachers in an underexplored setting of an international school in Shanghai. The study concludes with insights about the presence of CTE and identifies themes and dimensions explaining the nature of CTE in an international context.



collective teacher efficacy; international school; group competence; task analysis; teacher factors; Shanghai

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