The Influence of Teacher Efficacy on 21st Century Pedagogy

Nur Syarima Shafiee, Mariny Abdul Ghani


This paper explores the influence of teacher efficacy in classroom management, student involvement, and teaching strategy on 21st century pedagogical practice. A total of 201 teachers from schools implementing the International Baccalaureate-Middle Year Program (IBMYP) and schools implementing the Secondary School Standard Curriculum (KSSM) in Perlis, Kelantan, and Penang were selected through cluster sampling and purposive sampling. Data were collected using an instrument adapted from the Teacher’s Sense of Efficacy Scale (TSES) with 24 items that measure three dimensions of teacher efficacy, namely classroom management, student involvement, and teaching strategy. Teachers’ 21st century pedagogy in this study was measured using the West Virginia 21st Century Teaching and Learning Survey, which has been modified into five main dimensions with 22 items. These are critical thinking, collaboration, communication, creativity and innovation, and information technology. Data collected were analyzed using Smart?Partial Least Squares 3.0 and Statistical Package for the Social Sciences 22.0 software. Analysis showed that the effectiveness of teachers’ teaching strategy influences 21st century pedagogy significantly. In contrast, teacher efficacy in classroom management and student involvement does not significantly influence 21st century pedagogical practice. This study shows that the effectiveness of classroom management, that is the ability to control student behavior and manage the classroom according to lesson planning, does not contribute to 21st century pedagogical practice. Similarly, student involvement does not contribute significantly to 21st century pedagogical practice, possibly due to the dense curriculum and the large number of students in the classroom.


21st century pedagogy; classroom management; student involvement; teacher efficacy; teaching strategy

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